it’s time to move on. aka: be the church.

Well, if you haven’t heard yet, Tara and I are moving. We’re heading to the Northeast coast for my work (I know, it’s cold there too). I’ve accepted a new position, but because of our Presbyterian process, I can’t tell you where until after the congregation of my new church votes on me. So, is…

Redirecting elephants in Cuba.

Two Mondays ago, I arrived in Havana, Cuba, for the first of my two scheduled visits of 2017. Had you asked me a year ago if I would ever go to Cuba, I don’t know that I could have said yes. Not because I didn’t want to, but it was never on my radar. Until…

reparation: (noun) something that is done or given as a way or correcting a mistake that you have made or a bad situation that you have caused; origin: middle english, 14th century

Sermon writing is not my strong suit, but this is where Plato believes that practice at something can make you better. Preaching isn’t a virtue, but it is important. And with many great preachers to learn from in my own house, I’ve got some good examples. Below is the sermon I preached this evening for the…