Divorce Casserole, revisited.

There’s a great article I’ve shared before: “The Casserole Rules”. Back in 2019, I wrote a piece on this topic and shared a decent attempt at some Cracker Barrel Hashbrowns. I’ve even give a sermon in 2020 about divorce casseroles. And I probably will again at some point. Recently, I was reminded of this topic…

Stop hiding.

Earlier I read a report from Buzzfeed News about a teacher who was fired from his job because he repeatedly and intentionally mis-gendered a student. He hid behind the claim that his “religious beliefs” prevented him from lying, and by calling a student (who had transitioned from female to male) by the male pronouns that…

the task at hand.

The other night I retweeted the following tweet by @KaitlinCurtice, “Pastors: In 2019, do you think you could quote 52 non-white-dudes in your sermons, especially if you’re a white dude?” I love this request. Out of 365 days of the year, what if we lifted up all those other theologians on 52 of those days?!…

our words vs. their words

Ever since my ordination in July, I get asked all the time, “Do you feel any different now?”  It’s the same question we like to ask those who have recently been married, or when someone graduates with a degree. It’s distinct in situations like these because for a lot of people, the answer is “no.”…

My inclusivity does not negate your exclusivity.

Being inclusive does not (should not!) cultivate a spirit of exclusivity of others. Sounds simple, right? Apparently some think it’s not so easy. So, let me break it down. I recently had a meeting about a group I am a part of. We are an inclusive group rooted in PCUSA theology where we uplift all…

The place you’re at.

Sometimes, the place you are isn’t necessarily the place you want to be. And other times, it’s exactly where you want to be. In fact, it’s the perfect fit. But this all depends on the day and time. Sometimes the place you are is exactly where you need to be. Sometimes, the place you want…

evangelio de mateo 22:15-22

The following sermon and benediction were given to Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada de la Habana, Cuba, on 22 October 2017. It was translated with MUCH help from my dear friend, Carmina, who gives me more grace than I deserve most days. It’s not perfect Spanish, but considering I’m still learning, and only started this past summer,…

bathing suits vs. thongs

I have more than enough on my plate today. I’ve got a trip to Cuba to finish prepping for. A Small Group Leaders Manual to go over and make notes. A retreat for fabulous queers of faith to work on & fundraising to finish getting ready. A sermon to finish. A devotional to clean up…

No. 2 What do you provide?

What do people buy when they buy something from you? [Read: What is someone getting when they use your services?] They’re getting an experience and tools to take with them. They’re getting collaboration and the abilities that come with my experience and history. They are getting creativity and energy for new projects. They are getting…

No more complacent elephants.

During my time down in Cuba, which was only a short 8 days, my elephant (rather, my heart) got a good swift kick for being lazy. A kick that, looking back, was well deserved. I had allowed my complacency to become comfortable, and that is a dangerous thing. Bring in relationship with others is a…

Redirecting elephants in Cuba.

Two Mondays ago, I arrived in Havana, Cuba, for the first of my two scheduled visits of 2017. Had you asked me a year ago if I would ever go to Cuba, I don’t know that I could have said yes. Not because I didn’t want to, but it was never on my radar. Until…

Look outward.

This morning, as I checked Facebook while drinking my coffee, I read status after status by my friends who are all taking Lent as a time to disconnect from Facebook. There’s a need to take a break from the political posts and the mindless status updates about what someone is doing (I am totally guilty…