evangelio de mateo 22:15-22

The following sermon and benediction were given to Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada de la Habana, Cuba, on 22 October 2017. It was translated with MUCH help from my dear friend, Carmina, who gives me more grace than I deserve most days. It’s not perfect Spanish, but considering I’m still learning, and only started this past summer,…

luke 6:1-16

One Sabbath, as Jesus was going through the wheat fields, his disciples were picking the heads of wheat, rubbing them in their hands, and eating them. Some Pharisees said, “Why are you breaking the Sabbath law?” Jesus replied, “Haven’t you read what David and his companions did when they were hungry? He broke the Law by going into…

luke 19:1-10

This is the sermon I gave back in October during our 4pm Jazz service. You can listen to that sermon here. Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through it. A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account…