story: (noun) an account of incidents or events; a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question; origin: middle english from anglo-french, first known use 13th century

For the past week, I have attended a training put on by the Synods of Lincoln Trails and Mid America entitled “The Art of Transitional Ministry.” In short, it’s what most would traditionally call training to become an interim pastor. I was encouraged to attend by Jan. She’s good at getting me into things. She…

attention: (noun) the act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something; notice, interest, awareness; special care or treatment; origin: 14th century, middle english

I think I’m convinced: not everyone needs Lent. I hear what you’re saying, “you have to have Lent to get to Easter.” Well, sure you do. But not really. Because no matter what, Easter is coming, whether you like it or not. (And who doesn’t like Easter? Are you some sort of Easter-hating jerk?). Jesus…